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Cine spune că știe să răspundă la orice întrebare, sigur exagerează… Și noi avem limite, ca oricine 🙂

Îți putem răspunde totuși la destul de multe întrebări despre website-uri, campanii de promovare, online marketing, aplicații și tehnologii web, găzduire, ce viruși sau malware mai bântuie pe internet și alte câteva. Pune mai jos ce te frământă, și lasă-ne unde vrei să îți răspundem. Suntem prompți!



We are the ones who can help you scale


web projects carried out from 2010 until now


million posts of ads promoted via G.Ads


new customers in the last 5 years of activity

Who are we?

We are actually a handful of people (more precisely two), colleagues and collaborators, who have forged a relationship over the last +5 years, each with expertise in their area of activity, especially in the area of programming, design, online marketing, sales B2B/B2C, but also maintenance and IT network experts, in accounting and legal expertise.

The team is completed by partners from Romania, Lithuania, Switzerland, the Republic of Moldova – colleagues with whom we carry out a series of specific activities focused on different types of projects.

Currently the focus is to work with highly specialized niches to provide all the resources, expertise and technical tools to increase their current business volume by +1 million euros within 12 months.


Meet the team and the collaborators

catalin chivu

Cătălin Chivu

Founder & web developer

denisa grecu

Denisa Grecu

Project manager

gabriel avedic

Gabriel Avedic

Web developer

marin turica

Marin Turică

Web developer

maria nicutar - marketing strategist

Maria Nicuțar

Marketing strategist

gigi beschea

Gigi Beschea

Google Ads expert

daniel chivu - expert contabil

Daniel Chivu

Accounting expert

Valentin Nae

Hardware & security

Andrei Panait

Web design & UX/UI

Simona Pană

European Funds expert

Our mission is to support over the next 3 years a number of +100 companies in Romania to increase their turnover by +1 million euros annually by implementing web solutions, automation, optimization and online marketing strategies.